After a successful first showroom, we’d like to offer you a second opportunity to meet! 🤩
Companies, Employees, Brands and Communities: come and try out the Digi-Sports Group concept and discover a totally cool, friendly OZTUDIO space! 🆒
BUT this time, we’re thinking BIGGER 💪🏼: Let’s meet at the end of the day for a 5@7 Games extravaganza at Marie Grange, OZTUDIO!
+🎄PRIVILEGE OFFER -15% for your last minute XMAS PARTY events!
📆 WHEN: Tuesday, November 22, 2022
🕘DE: 10H to 17H + 5@7 Games
📍OÙ : At OZTUDIO – 5386 boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montreal
✏️COMMENT : Reserve your 30-minute slot by contacting us, for a personalized presentation 🟣🟠🟢